Judy Blume Tales Of Fourth Grade Nothing

CHAPTER 1- The Big Winner

Jimmy fargo lived in New York City, His apartment room is on the twelfth floor In the building, A new character named henry bevelheimer didn’t not know about that. What happened in chapter 1 was Dribble went to Jimmy fargo’s birthday party, fudge had to guess how many jelly beans where in the bag and he guessed 423 and got it wrong.  A new character Named Dr Cone gave the mother Daisy Roses.  They also got a turtle and named him dribble.


CHAPTER 2- Mr And Ms Juicio

The the grandparents came, they gave Dribble, It was a toy train. He did like it. Now Mr Yarby gave Fudge another present, this time it was in a package. He got a book, A really big one for a 4 year old Fudge said. He also got a drink. I could use another one dribble said, and he didn’t get any more so he started to get very mad but it was because he had to go to bed. Everyone said goodnight and he fell to sleep. The parents sat down and had dinner peacefully. Then the parents heard something from upstairs, it was fudge playing with his train. It woke up everybody, and no one liked it at all.


CHAPTER 3- The Family Dog

Fudge dad was also a new tv commercial, but he said planning on having any head-standers on the commercial, and he ended up not doing anything and the assistants to make the commercials were not happy about this. Then something happened, they got a new dog! They wanted to trade out fudge for the new dog and after a week the parents thought this was a lot easier even though they didnt get rid of fudge yet, but the only problem was that he was eating under the moms legs so it was a little annoying, but that how dogs are so she didn’t mind. Then the mom finally decided to move him so it was in better condition. Fudge went to bed and put dribble on the floor. Everyone slept well and this time fudge was not playing with his train.


CHAPTER 4- My Brother The Bird

The family lives near central park so sometimes after school they like to go there and play there for half and hour. They go there only with friends and when its hot outside, but the mother doesnt want him to go alone if he doesn’t go with friends.

Innovation Day Blog Post

I have chosen to build: Elevator


Choice and background

What pulley system does your choice include:

I will use something to make it more up.

Explain how system works:

I will use cardboard to make to floor for the elevator. Then i would put items on the elevator floor and i would you string to pull the elevator up.



(What will happen when you pulley your pulley machine?)

I think it will work if I try hard to make it. I want to maybe make it exactly how I drew it. I need materials  to go up,.





.Hot Glue






Step by step-What did you do

  1. I first got cardboard and made two holes on the side
  2. I stuck two sticks in the 2 holes that i made.
  3. Then i got string and attached it to the sticks.
  4. The string would go down to a piece of cardboard I would tape the string to the cardboard and then pull it up.





My Hypothesis was right and wrong. It was wrong because the first time it didn’t work, but the second time it did work. I got rid of the sticks and did the same thing I did last and it ended up working!



My science blog


I studied science reflection like: reflection, refraction, transparent, translucent, and opaque. I will explain what all of these mean. First reflection means bounce of a light and returning it back.

Refraction is when you have a pencil and a glass of water and stick inside and watch the magic, it will look like the pencil is bent. Transparent is when an object can pass through so that objects can be seen. Translucent is allowing light, but not detailed shapes to pass through semi transparent. Opaque is not going through anything.



Tuning Fork Experiment

HELLO! Its map13 here! I’m going to be showing you 2 cool experiments that will BLOW YOUR MIND! Here is the first project: You should have gotten a cup and put tape over the cup and don’t leave ANY holes.

Then get salt and spread it over the tape. Then get a tuning fork and slam it on the floor or your desk, then gently touch the fork on the tape and it will vibrate and its REALLY COOL! That’s exactly what i did!


Now moving on to the 2nd experiment. Don’t throw away your cup of tuning fork, get water and get rid of the tape. Then slam the tuning fork on the floor again and then stick it into the water.

It will splash and sometimes it will come out of your cup and its super cool so try it!



My book review

A young wizard who discovers his magical heritage on his 11’th birthday

When he receives a letter of acceptance to Hogwarts school of witchcraft 

And wizardry. 



  1. Harry potter
  2. Hagrid
  3. Professor mcgonagall
  4. Professor snape
  5. dudley
  6. hermione
  7. Lord Voldemort
  8. Ron
  9. Crabby
  10. Aunt petunia
  11. Uncle vernon
  12. correl



Harry when he was young, his parents were killed and that’s why he had a scar on his forehead, he got a letter that he would be going to a school called Hogwarts with a bunch of other wizards, those are in the character section. They each had a house here are the names: Slytherin, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. All houses had their own color. For example:

Ravenclaw is blue. 





MAP 13’S awsome BLOG!


Welcome to my blog about hockey!

Hockey is a sport that you play on an ice rink. When you score a horn goes only if you’re the home team. There are 31 teams in the NHL. There are almost 32 teams. The 32 team will be coming out in 2 years. The best team right now in the NHL is the Tampa bay Lighting. They are in the Stanley Cup finals against the Dallas stars.  The worst team is the Detroit Red Wings. They have lost 49 games in the 2019-2020 season. BUT…. the Lightning has won the Stanley Cup! Here’s a picture: 


There has also been a few trades from a bunch of different teams but that will bee in part 2. `


All 31 teams have their own color. For example: the Edmonton Oilers were Orange. Every player has their own number. If one of the other players has the same number on the same team they have to be different . But if you’re on a different team you can wear the same number. The best player to ever exist in hockey is….. Wayne Gretzky! He wears number 99 but he was so good that no hockey player could ever wear number 99 ever again! In his first year ever he scored 50 goals in 39 games! Now, a single hockey player could only go up to 98. He played for a bunch of teams, the Rangers, Oilers, and so on.


Have you ever seen a goalie without a helmet? Well let me tell you something. Long ago in the olden days goalies did not even have helmets. So once they were hit they were out of the game and no backup goalies could come in. So when a goalie went to the dressing room the game would stop. This special goalie called Jacques Plante was very mad about all the stitches that was put in his face. He was outside of the arena walking to his car and suddenly this man at a store offered him a mask that would keep his face safe. He wanted to use the mask in a game but his coach did not let him. So the Canadians lost. The second game  he told his coach he would not play unless he could wear the mask. His coach was mad. But he still let him. Right  now this is why all goalies have their own face mask!


Have you ever seen a hockey player score 4 goals in his first game?

I’m sure you didn’t. This player called Auston Matthews in his first game scored 4 goals! It was fabulous to see. He was playing against the 2nd worst team in the NHL. The  Ottawa Senators. His Parents were surprised no player could ever try so hard to get a high score of 4 goals ever again!



Hope you liked my blog about hockey!



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